Welcome to Flavors of Happy!
In this course, you will learn the practical steps to change your state of being, how to choose your Flavor of Happy.
No matter what your desired flavor is...
...you choose your destination. This course will show you how to get there.
Why Flavors?
I love thinking of the different states of being as flavors. Like flavors, our feelings and emotions are invisible but so powerful.
In this course, you’ll see the words “flavor” and “state” and “feeling” and “emotion” used interchangeably. While there are certainly differences between these words, they are all meant to suggest your felt inner sense.
The Flavors of Happy Process
The Flavors of Happy process is 5 big steps that are each broken down into micro-steps. Each step is designed to guide you from not even knowing how you want to feel to choosing, feeling, embodying, and completing a new emotion.
Try to think of the steps like dance steps. You don't take each step once. You learn the steps sequentially and then you apply them in a variety of times and ways.
Also, keep in mind that this process can be used over and over again with new and varied Flavors of Happy. Keep this course in your back pocket for any time you'd like to move into a new feeling space that you just can't seem to access or when you're just craving a little variety.
Materials Needed
You will need a pen/pencil and a large journal (at least composition notebook size). You'll be drawing charts and diagrams in some of the exercises, so the bigger the journal, the better.